Eye on Development

PHILMONT AVE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN (ROUNDABOUT)Preliminary Design of the proposed road improvement at Philmont, Tomlinson, and Pine via the State’s DCED Multimodal Transportation Improvement Fund and the PennDOT Transportation Improvement Program Fund.

Applications in Progress

LD 24-03  3993 Huntingdon Pike/Hightop Real Estate & Development LLC 
A sketch plan for redevelopment of existing property into retail space and drive through restaurants. A copy of the plan can be found here.

LD 23-06  22 Tomlinson Road/Eli Kantrovitz & Chagai Bader
A sketch plan for development of an existing vacant lot into manufactured single family dwelling along with a community center and commercial building. A copy of the plan can be found here.

LD 21-03 3001, 3041, 3051 Philmont Ave/BT Philmont, LP  a final plan for a 219 apartment building with 3,000 square feet commercial space. A copy of the plan can be found here. (Another version of the plan can be found here).

SD 24-02 90-106 Byberry Road/AWZ LLC
a sketch plan for a 26 townhouse development on 3 lots. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

SD 23-01 2367 Pine Road/John Capponi
 a preliminary/final plan application for a 2 lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here.

LD 23-04 2895 Pine Road/2895 Pine Road LLC a sketch plan application for a conversion of food and alcohol establishment to an office building. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

LD 24-01 25 Byberry Road/Forrest Hills Cemetery a preliminary/final plan application for more burial plots. A copy of the plan can be found here.

SD 23-03 8 County Line Road/Zeon Real Estate LLC 
A sketch plan for a 3 lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here.

SD 09-03: 3636 Pine RoadA preliminary/final plan application submitted by David Mermelstein proposing one existing single-family dwelling and one new single-family dwelling. The plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on May 23, 2019 and the Board of Commissioners on July 9, 2019. The Board advised that several items need to be addressed and a revised plan needs to be resubmitted. A copy of the plan can be found here.

LD 19-01: 657 Red Lion Road A sketch plan submitted by Ryan and Adriann Glunz proposing a 23 guest room/hotel bed and breakfast and one dwelling unit. The plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on April 25, 2019 and the Board of Commissioners on May 14, 2019. A copy of the plan can be found here 



Applications Completed

SD 19-02: 1200 Calvin Road
A preliminary/final plan application submitted by Arthur Zharsky proposing a three lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here

ZA 17-04 Philmont Country Club/ Concert Philmont LLC & FC Gold GP II, LLC
A zoning text amendment submitted by Philmont Country Club/ Concert Philmont LLC & FC Gold GP II, LLC which will allow for an active adult housing community with 176 townhouse units. A conditional use application was also submitted and approved by the Board of Commissioners on September 11, 2018. A copy of the plan can be found here

CU 22-03 605 Red Lion Road/LMTSD

A plan for the Conditional Use application for the bus garage. A copy of the plan can be found here.

3001-301 Philmont Ave/BET:

LD 21-03: An updated plan for Land Development (Preliminary Plan)  application for 219 unit apartment building with commercial space. A copy of the plan can be found here. 
Plan reviewed at the January 26, 2023 Planning Commission meeting
Conditional Use hearing held at the Feb 14, 2023 BOC meeting
Conditional Use granted at the March 14, 2023 BOC meeting
Preliminary Plan approved at the July 11, 2023 BOC meeting

ZA/LD 21-03: a Zoning Amendment and revised sketch plan application submitted by BET Investments proposing multi-family residential building consisting of one and two-bedroom units and commercial use.  A copy of the plan can be found  here. 
This zoning ordinance application was approved via public hearing at the December 14, 2021 BOC meeting allowing a maximum of 220 units.

SD 17-04 Philmont Country Club/ Concert Philmont LLC & FC Gold GP II, LLC
A final plan submitted by Philmont Country Club/ Concert Philmont LLC & FC Gold GP II, LLC which will allow for an active adult housing community with 176 townhouse units. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

  Plan reviewed at the June 23, 2022 Planning Commission meeting
Preliminary Plan approved at the July 11, 2022 BOC meeting
Final Plan approved at the Aug. 9, 2022 BOC meeting


SD 23-02 560 Welsh Road/Erion Mehmeti 

A preliminary/final plan for a 2 lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

Preliminary and Final plans approved.

LD 21-02: 1430 County Line Road
A preliminary/final plan application submitted by M & B Associates proposing a 7,600 square foot addition onto the existing building. A copy of the plan can be found here.

SD 21-01: 1355 Grasshopper Road
A preliminary/final plan application submitted by Michael Marino proposing a two lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

LD 19-03: 2507 Philmont Avenue
A final plan application submitted by Commerce Pursuit Capital LP proposing a 196- unit, 228 bed senior living facility. A copy of the plan can be found here. A zoning text amendment was approved by the Board of Commissioners on December 10, 2019

605 Red Lion Road Lower Moreland High School 
LD 20-02: a preliminary/final plan application submitted by Lower Moreland School District proposing to build a new High School and demolish Murray Avenue School. A copy of the plan can be found here.

Preliminary and Final plans approved.

CU 22-03 605 Red Lion Road/LMTSD: 
Plan for the Conditional Use application for the bus garage.

Plan reviewed at the July 28, 2022 Planning Commission meeting
Conditional Use hearing held at the Aug. 9, 2022 BOC meeting
Conditional Use granted at the Sept. 13, 2022 BOC meeting

SD 20-03:  205 Red Lion Road
A  preliminary plan application submitted by Ajvazi Fitim and In The Mixx, LLC proposing a 2 lot subdivision. A copy of the plan can be found here.

SD 20-01: Country Lane/ Aimee Schmucker 
A preliminary/final plan application for a lot line change. A copy of the plan can be found here.

SD 19-04: 3463 & 3475 Surrey Road
A preliminary/ final plan application submitted by Surrey Properties LLC proposing a lot line change. A copy of the plan can be found here. 

SD 16-02: 1400 Byberry Road
A final plan submitted by Toll Brothers proposing 60 single family dwelling units. The final plan was approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 9, 2018. A copy of the plan can be found here

SD 12-07: Red Lion and Pine Road
A preliminary/final plan submitted by JERC Partners proposing 56 single family detached units in a cluster designed subdivision. The Planning Commission reviewed the final plan at their June 26, 2014 meeting and the Board of Commissioners approved the final plan at their September 9, 2014 meeting. A copy of the plan can be found here.