The Board of Commissioners is comprised of one elected resident from each of the six wards in the Township. They are elected to a four-year staggered term. The Board is responsible for policy decisions along with goals and objectives for executive, administrative and advisory functions. The Board of Commissioners is also responsible to approve the annual budget.
The Board convenes for a standard public meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Building. All meetings are open to the public and all official actions of the Board must be decided at a public meeting. Several public budget meetings are also held each year and a calendar of those meeting dates is determined at the September public meeting.
To find out your Ward and which Commissioner represents you, please click here for the Ward map.
• Ward 1: Ruth A. Hausen
• Ward 2: Joseph S. Pace
• Ward 3: Sean Blanton
• Ward 4: Joseph A. Canale, Jr. Board Vice President
• Ward 5: Dennis Mueller
• Ward 6: Denise A. Kuritz, Board President
John B. Rice, Township Solicitor
Grim, Biehn & Thatcher