Due to miscommunication within the Republic Services organization, the posted holiday week schedule for trash and recycling collection was not properly followed. Republic Services has issued an apology letter, which can be found here.
For the remainder of the week, the following collection schedule will be in effect:
• If your trash days are typically Monday and Thursday, your route will be completed one more time on Friday, 5/29
• If your trash days are typically Tuesday and Friday, your route will be completed one more time on Saturday, 5/30
• If your recycling day is typically Thursday, it will be collected on Friday, 5/29
• If your recycling day is typically Friday, it will be collected on Saturday, 5/30
Additionally, please note that if you see Republic Services trucks throughout the Township performing other tasks, this does not mean they are diverting from the schedule described above. The normal collection schedule will resume on Monday, June 1, 2020.