Please note that Governor Wolf’s Stay at Home Order remains in place for Montgomery County. This order advises to stay home as much as possible and refrain from non-essential travel. In light of the continued Order, Lower Moreland Township will remain closed to the public for regular operations.
There are important updates and changes regarding Township operations and programming:
Trash & Recycling
Bulk Collection- Collection will resume for all bulk items (mattresses, sofas and non-appliance items) on the second collection day of each week.
White Goods Collection- Republic Services will resume collection of white goods (stoves, refrigerators, washers, etc.) on the 3rd Monday of the month. Residents must contact the Township at [email protected] or call 215-947-3100 (leave a voicemail) to be placed on the collection list.
E-waste Collection- Residents may make an appointment to drop-off e-waste items (TVs, vacuums, computers, etc.) to the public works facility. Please contact the Public Works Department at [email protected] or call 215-947-3100 (leave a voicemail).
Public Works
Leaf Mulch- Leaf mulch is available to residents at no charge and can be picked-up at the public works facility located at 3901 Heaton Road. Please use social distancing measures when picking-up mulch.
Code Enforcement
Construction and Permits- The Township has resumed the processing of permit applications and building inspections. Business will be conducted from 9:00am – 4:00pm. Instructions regarding the permitting process or to schedule an inspection should be directed to Jill Matyas at [email protected] or 215-947-3100 (leave a voicemail). We strongly urge all permit applicants to contact the Township prior to submitting a permit application.
Summer Recreation Program- In light of the current situation, the Township has cancelled the Summer Recreation Program.
Tax Collection- As a reminder, the Lower Moreland Township Board of Commissioners approved an extension of the 2% discount period for Lower Moreland Township and Montgomery County real estate tax payments until June 19, 2020. The face value real estate tax payment date will be moved to August 20, 2020.